A Crazy Bunch of Nuts

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I am Really Not With It!

You Know, I never wanted to be the kind of mom that lets things go, but I find that I am so overwhelmed some days that I let things slide. Writing on my blog would have to be the top of my list of sliding. I feel so guilty when I don't write, but feel that FHE, Church, Scripture study, callings, seminary, primary, high grades for each of the four kids in school, sports, scouts, meals, achievement, well things are getting a little nuts around here.

We are busy, but wanted to post to let you all know what is going on! Both Andrew and David are in Football again and Brianna and Mikayla are trying their hand at Cheerleading this year. It has been A LOT of work, but they are so happy. Mikayla, Andrew and I get up every morning and go running at 5:30 a.m. This is during the time when Wayne teaches Seminary! This has been very good for my old body and sore muscles and great for the kids.

I am tutoring two days a week and keeping busy during the school day with our two littlest ones at home. Gabrielle and Amelia are good friends and play together really well.

Wayne is working hard at his new job with Roma/Vistar and campaigning in the evenings for Mike Anderson, (Running for House of Rep. Republican - side)